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Archives of craniofacial surgery vol 20(3), 2019
Lee, Dongeun, et al. "Cryptotia recurrence lowering technique with additional acellular dermal matrix graft."  2019
Archives of plastic surgery 46.3 (2019): 204.
Cheon, Jeong Hyun, et al. "A comparative study between sterile freeze-dried and sterile pre-hydrated acellular dermal matrix in tissue expander/implant breast reconstruction."  2019
Kim, Sung Huhn et al.“Surgical Outcomes of Tympanoplasty Using Acellular Dermal Allograft: A Randomized Controlled Study” 2018
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America 26(3):311-321
Kim, Chang-Hoon, and Sang Chul Park. "Homologous Tissue for Dorsal Augmentation." 2018
Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2018 Oct;42(5):1213-1219.
Seo H. Lee et al. “Dual Coverage of the Inferior Pole with Conjoined Fascial Flap and Acellular Dermal Matrix for Immediate One-Stage Breast Reconstruction with a Prosthetic Implant” 2018
Aesthetic plastic surgery 42.1 : 288-294.
Yang, Chae Eun, et al. "Usefulness of Cross-Linked Human Acellular Dermal Matrix as an Implant for Dorsal Augmentation in Rhinoplasty." 2017
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 14.5 : 517-523.
Park, Tae Hwan, et al. "Micronized Cross-Linked Human Acellular Dermal Matrices: An Effective Scaffold for Collagen Synthesis and Promising Material for Tissue Augmentation." 2107
Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 23.2 : 68-72.
Kim, June-Kyu, and Yong Seong Kim. "Comparison of the Amount of Drainage in 3 Acellular Dermal Matrices in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction: A Retrospective Study." 2017
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 28.7 : e644-e649
Kim, Jiye, et al. "Use of Acellular Allogenic Dermal Matrix (MegaDerm) in Orbital Wall Reconstruction: A Comparison With Absorbable Mesh Plate and Porous Polyethylene." 2017
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 28.2 : 445-448.
Suh, Man Koon, et al. "Augmentation rhinoplasty with silicone implant covered with acellular dermal matrix in Asian noses" 2017
Ann Dermatol. 2017 Jun;29(3):314-320.
Shin, Sungsik, et al. “The effects of multi-growth factors-containing cream on post-thyroidectomy scars: A preliminary study” 2017
The Journal of hand surgery 42.4 : 297-e1.
Lee, Myung Chul, et al. "Comparative skin evaluation after split-thickness skin grafts using 2 different acellular dermal matrices to cover composite forearm defects." 2017
Journal of cosmetic dermatology 16.1 : 76-83.
Shin, Sungsik, et al. "The effects of a multigrowth factor‐containing cream on recovery after laser treatment: a double‐blinded, randomized, split‐face controlled study." 2017
Archives of plastic surgery 43.6 : 523.
Lee, Jun Ho, et al. "The effect of sterile acellular dermal matrix use on complication rates in implant-based immediate breast reconstructions." 2016
Archives of plastic surgery 43.5 :424.
Park, Gui-Yong, et al. "Acellular dermal matrix as a core strut for projection in nipple reconstruction: approaches for three different methods of breast reconstruction." 2016
